Does Anybody Make an N64 Clone Console?

The Nintendo 64, a keystone in console history. It deserves a good clone console.

Thanks to companies like Hyperkin, lots of retro systems have modern day clone consoles for use in place of original hardware. However, the N64 is platform they don’t cover (yet). So, if Hyperkin don’t sell an N64 clone console, then who does?

In this article we’re going to lay down the beginner stuff: what are clone consoles and why do we like them? Experts, feel free to skip. Then we’ll list what’s currently available—time of writing: June, 2023.

What Are Clone Consoles?

A clone console is designed to replicate retro video game consoles of the past—creating an alternative to original hardware.

analogue super nt clone console

These in demand devices often pay homage to the original console’s aesthetic—getting somewhat close, but not infringing on intellectual rights. Of course, the most important thing is that they recreate the performance and gameplay experience of the original console.

What makes clone consoles so special is that they typically run original game cartridges and allow original gamepads to be plugged in.

Why We Like Clone Consoles

Clone consoles offer three enticing advantages.

Firstly, they offer an alternative to beloved, but failing hardware. In doing so, they give us a way to preserve an otherwise fading experience, i.e. playing games they were meant to be played at the time of release.

hyperkin retron 5

Secondly, over time, naturally, the landfill claims many Ataris, Nintendos, and Segas! As such, prices for functioning hardware can become exorbitant. Clone consoles provide an affordable alternative to the dwindling number of functioning originals.

Thirdly, they often feature modern video output, i.e. HDMI. But, that’s not all. Some are able to upscale the image, with varying degrees of intelligence.

List of N64 Clone Consoles

The N64 is a difficult console to clone. Unfortunately for the retro gaming community, the N64 is poorly understand as a result of never having been fully reverse engineered. As such, you may notice that N64 emulators, more than two decades later, still don’t quite emulate the system correctly. In fact, there some games that still prone to crashes—looking at you The New Tetris!

So, sadly, there isn’t really a perfect N64 clone console available just yet—all your options will have pros and cons.

IntecGaming Warrior 64

The IntecGaming Warrior 64 has received a chunky wedge of criticism in the retro gaming community.

The core complaint is that the quality of the image is inferior to the UltraHDMI mod that can be installed on original N64 system. Although, the difference is somewhat minor, it will be noticeable to those familiar with the quality of the UltraHDMI mod output.

IntecGaming Warrior 64 n64 clone console

Also, that isn’t the only complain regarding the Warrior 64. The second main concern with fans of the original console is that the Warrior 64 depends on cannibalizing core components from an original N64, instead of recreating parts from scratch.

Enthusiasts really turned their back on this project when the first allegations of input latency came across the airwaves.

So, because this device simply uses an original N64 when being produced, it’s not exactly accurate to consider it a true clone console.

To get the full low down on the Warrior 64 we recommend watching the YouTube Metal Jesus Rocks video covering the topic—check it out here.

Hyperkin Ultra Retron

This was Hyperkin’s planned N64 clone machine. I say “was” because, for a while now, there’s been now news about it.

First shown in 2019, the Ultra Retron was intended to be an N64 clone console with an HDMI output in 720p.

hyperkin ultra retron
Screenshot taken from the Nintendo Life YouTube video.

Sounds good so far, right?

Well, unfortunately, it wasn’t set to be a true clone console in the sense that it was going to be neither recreations of original hardware or FPGA. Instead, the Ultra Retron would simply have been an emulation device with a cartridge slot.

It’s hard to say if this device will ever be released—only time will tell. And, considering its cons, perhaps that’s for the best.

Polymega N64 Module

Don’t let the fact that the Polymega is, essentially, just a PC fool you—the Polymega is a very charming device.

Polymega N64 Module

What makes the Polymega so darn appealing is its modular system. The front of the machine features a proprietary connector to which modules slot onto. So, depending on which retro system you want to run, you will connect the corresponding module.

The Polymega did not launch with an N64 module available. However, an N64 module was recently announced and is available for pre-order.

Check it out here.

Remember though, the Polymega is an emulation device and, as discussed throughout this articles, there are issues with emulation, i.e. input latency and an imperfect experience versus original hardware.


Well, well, well—the Holy Grail for any retro system: FPGA!

For those of us (myself included) not experts on the topic of FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Arrays) feel free to check out the Wikipedia article on the topic to get yourself up to speed.


In layperson’s terms, FGPA systems allow the processor to be configured to behave like—i.e. effectively become—a processor of another system. MiSTer FPGA is the most well known platform, for which there are many available “cores” (i.e. retro systems).

Here’s a list of the currently available cores—you’ll notice, at the time of writing, that there is no N64 core on this list. For the reasons mentioned earlier, i.e. the N64’s mysterious complexity, it has been difficult to develop N64 FPGA.

Step forward Murray Aickin, the verifiable genius behind developing the world’s first FPGA N64. While this project isn’t finished just yet, Aickin has devoted many years to painstakingly solve the many problems with developing an FPGA N64—the project, we believe, is close to completion!

Check out his official website here ( and, to really learn about his endeavors, check out the Pixel Cherry Ninja interview on YouTube here. N64 Clone Console?

Analogue are a company who’ve made excellent FPGA clone consoles—their clone Game Boy, Super Nintendo, and Sega Genesis are so popular that they’re unable to meet demand. Good luck getting hold of one.

In spite of all their success with earlier platforms, they’ve refrained from developing a Nintendo 64 clone console for the aforementioned reasons, i.e. it’s a complex and (outside of Nintendo themselves) a poorly understood system.

What Are the Alternatives?

In lieu of an attractive N64 clone console, your options are emulation or using original hardware. Which of these options you choose depends on what’s important to you. Let’s discuss each option!


N64 emulation, even after all these years of incredible effort and achievement from enthusiast developers, continues to have noteworthy limitations.

Thanks to the mysterious nature of the original console, we continue to suffer unusual visual glitches on the best N64 emulators. Moreover, some games—The New Tetris, for example—will gradually slow during play, and eventually crash.

n64 emulators

Also, traditional/software emulation (i.e. not FPGA), no matter how good, will always fall short of the original—in addition to problems like input lag, there will also be various imperfections when measured against original hardware.

However, having said all of that, for many of us emulation is a “good enough” sort of experience. Settling for it, depending on your perspective, isn’t the end of the world. Purists, of course, will be purists. And from purism, elitism can bloom—it’s important to remember to own your preference and decide how far you’re willing to go for your hobby, i.e. enjoy it even if people tell you it’s not a “perfect” experience.

UltraHDMI / n64digital

The UltraHDMI and the n64digital are competing products. And If you’re in possession of original hardware, then either of these might be the choice for you.


Both the UltraHDMI and Pixel FX’s n64digital are hardware mods that add an HDMI out port, along with a host of settings to change resolutions and upgrade the quality of the image.

However, these mods require soldering experience.


While there isn’t a perfect N64 clone console available just yet, there are promising developments being made in FGPA.

In addition, if you’re impatient and want a solution today, then you have some choices.

Firstly, N64s are holding up pretty well as time goes by, and you might be able to get your hands on an original console. Additionally, if you’re confident with the soldering iron, you can add an HDMI mod that improves the image output quality and allows you to play on your modern TV.

However, if you’re not willing to spend on original hardware, then emulation can be a good choice. Sure, we know there are some issues with emulation, but for many of us those problems aren’t deal breakers.

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