About RetroPM

You’ll notice two authors on RetroPM.com. Our initials are P and M. Hence, RetroPM!

Our childhood friendship was forged through cooperative Joe & Mac and competitive Pro Evo. We were 80s babies. So, of course, we got our first taste with the NES. Once you’re hooked, you’re hooked. We experienced everything firsthand—16 bit couch split screen, imported copies of Pokemon Red and Blue, Red Alert versus with the PlayStation link cable; and as time progressed, one of us got a Spice GameCube while the other went with the Indigo!

Neither of us claims to be infallible, but we do claim to be authentic. We’re just a couple of old friends collaborating on a retro gaming site. Why? Because we love it, that’s why.

Our Mission

Our focus is reviewing devices from Anbernic, Retroid, PowKiddy, and any other devices from awesome companies supporting the scene.

But, we don’t stop with just devices—we also review the games you can play on them. Sure, you can go back and read reviews from when games were released. However, we believe in bringing a 21st Century, handheld-focused perspective to reviews of retro games.

Ultimately, though, we’re about supporting the scene. So, we also cover news, firmware, and case mods.


We would absolutely love to hear from you!

Email us at RetroPMofficial@gmail.com.